Tuesday, October 26, 2010



My blog is about Celebrations. Every other week I will post a new celebration on my blog. I will give you a description about the celebration, what they eat, what they do or play and what countries celebrate it. 
If you would like to give me a holiday suggestion to post on my blog just post a comment saying the name of the holiday! Now I am going to tell you about my first celebration.

National Cinnamon Bun Day: Every year on October 4th Sweden celebrates National Cinnamon Bun Day. Every country in the world has strange holidays, but having a National Cinnamon Bun Day? That would be so cool! The first cinnamon roll was baked in Sweden on October 4th. Cinnamon rolls baked in Sweden are not as sweet and heavy as they are in North America. The name cinnamon roll is literally the same as cinnamon bun, but in Sweden they are called "kanelbulle". Stay tuned for my next post!      

The History of Cinnamon Rolls



  1. Perhaps some holidays celebrated in one of your UN countries?

  2. Dear Hayley,

    I know this is not a specific day, but I think you should do the 'National Pursuit of Happiness Week'. It would definitely make the people reading your blog happy.

    I don't know, it's just another idea, and I do think that it would be cool to have whole day devoted to cinnamon buns... I think I'm going to start celebrating it.(:

    Cool blog,

  3. Hay Hayley I love your first entry and I can't wait to read I wish we could have a national cinnamon bun day so yummy mmmmm!!!!

  4. Hej,
    that's hi in swedish!! I know I'm so cool! I love you're subject and you're first entry/post. I can almost smell the cinnamon bun as I was reading it I don't know why maybe it was because I kept staring at the picture! :{) I wonder why they call it a cinnamon bun there when it's a cinnamon roll there? Humph I'm stumped. Well I loved your blog,
    adjö! (Bye in Swedish)

  5. That was really cool. Don't forget to put where you found the photo though. One time I did that and my next blog was basically just all the links I forgot to put into the original post.

  6. I really like your background Hayley! Those cinnamon buns look really YUMMY!!! :D

  7. You could do the Holi Festival in India, the Chocolate Festival in Kiev, Ukraine, the El Colacho Festival in Spain, etc.
    Great blog topic! It's really interesting!

  8. I love your first post, Hayley!

    Teacher's technical comment (from a marking point of view):
    I feel that the writing component of your blog is really strong. It shows that you revised your writing thoroughly before posting it as it reads very smoothly and is error-free! Great job!

    p.s. Do you have a favourite spot to buy cinnamon buns in Vancouver?
