Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All Souls' Day...

In Roman Catholic All Souls' Day means The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Others call it "Day of the Dead". The Christian holiday of All Souls' Day pays respect and remembers the souls of all friends and loved ones who have died and gone to heaven. Every November 2nd, Belgium, Brazil, Ecuador, Guam, Haiti, Luxembourg, Panama, St. Pierre & Miquelon, USA, Uruguay and Vatican City State celebrate All Souls' Day. Commemorations were based on a very widespread belief that the souls of the dead visited their old homes on one night of the year. Well, that's all about All Souls' Day, hope you'll read my next post. Bye for now.


  1. Very interesting and pertinent :) The origins of Hallowe'en are interesting. The Celtics celebrated a festival at this time of year which they termed 'summer's end'. These people originally wore masks to ward off the spirits who, they believed, could visit the realm of humans at this certain time of the year as the border between this world and the 'other' world became very thin.

    A lot of cultures are quite preoccupied with the dead and with what happens after we die. Very philosophical, indeed,....

  2. That is a very cool celebration!
    Do you know why Canada does not celebrate it?
    What made you choose this celebration?
    It's really nice how you chose a celebration that was a little bit tied into Hallowe'en... But this celebration seems very sad, maybe next time you could do a happy one? :):):):):):):):):):):)

    Great post, and great blog,

  3. Hi Hayley, I'm going to make a garden salad for my first post about my blog's purpose( food dishes and how to make them), and yes I'm going to make it by my self. I love your blog and I'm excited to read what you are going to write next! Is this 5 lines yet??? I don't think so. Anyways, I'm really excited to read what you have to say about around the world celebrations.


    P.S I love the background, I think it suites you very well!!!

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  5. I guess it's a sad day in a way to remember the dead and the ones who you were close to you who passed away. I wonder what they would think of if they moved away after the person died, so then the soul of the dead went to the someone elses home?
    Are you always going to post a blog post of a celebration on the day or week or month that it takes place?
    I love your blog topic. If I haven't already said this, I think it's a wonderful idea for a blog. I cannot wait for a whole year of blog posts to come!

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